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Malaysia Traditional Herbs 傳統馬來西亞草藥
🌺 It has an anti-aging that helps maintain youthfulness 抗衰老,保持青春
🌺 Help to restore and balance women hormones 幫助恢復和平衡女性荷爾蒙
🌺 Promote Soft and Firm Skin suppleness 促進肌膚柔軟及緊緻
🌺 Helps Simulate Fat Loss Process 有效提升脂肪燃燒過程
🌺 Rejuvenate Women's well-being 恢復女性健康
🌺 Womb Healing 子宮癒合
🌺 Nourish Uterus for Reproductive System 滋養子宮生殖系統
🌺 Heal the pain after giving birth 減輕分娩後疼痛
🌺 Help Tone Vagina muscles after giving birth (regardless to caesarian or normal birth)
收緊分娩後的陰道肌肉 (剖腹或自然分娩)
🌺 Proven to Suppress and Heal Postnatal Depressions 舒緩及減輕產後抑鬱症
🌺 Heal Chronic Menstrual Pain 舒緩慢性月經疼痛
HOW TO USE 使用說明:
🌺 Kacip Fatimah Teabags On the go: (500ml Thermos) 1-2 sachets brew in freshly boiled hot water for simmer it 5-10 minutes and its good to drink.
女王卡琪花蒂瑪茶包 : (500毫升保温瓶) 將 1 - 2 包茶包放在新鮮煮沸的熱水中泡5-10分鐘便可飲用
🌺 Kacip Fatimah Dried Leaves or Stem ( for Confinement): Take 5 packs of QF Kacip Fatima dried leave or Stem (can mixed), boil it for 20-30minutes, cool it down, drink the brewed Kacip Fatimah.
女王卡琪花蒂瑪乾葉或莖 (煲) : 用 5 包 QF卡琪花蒂瑪乾葉或莖 (可以混合), 煲煮20-30分鐘,冷卻下來,喝釀造的卡琪花蒂瑪茶。
🌺 Kacip Fatimah has no smells, the color of the water is brownish dark. The taste is very soothing and not bitter.
🌺 Alternately, add Kacip Fatimah dried leaves or stems to your favorite herbal recipe. Please see insert for more details (Preferably for female consumption only)
亦可添加卡琪花蒂瑪的乾葉或莖到你喜歡的草本食譜。有關詳細資訊,請參閱附頁 (只宜女性使用)
🌺 Additional flavor, use Honey, Chamomile, for natural sweetness. Try adding slice of Lemon or Lime for more taste.
另外,可加入蜂蜜,洋甘菊,帶出自然甜味, 亦可加入檸檬或青檸片,提升味道,增加風味。
🌺 Teabags or Dried leaves/Stems - can be consume 2-3 times a day until colourless and tasteless.
茶包或乾葉/莖 - 每天可使用2-3次,直到無色和無味。
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